Sunday, March 8, 2009

For Whitney 2 [ver 2]

a strange sun drenched beach
summer heat is pounding

shore holds the flame __________ to
rch gold and red
your savage feet
your pagan feet
pushing you back into the wil _dn __ erne ____ss
salivating salvation

the sea beck ons
washing over your feet
it is your savior and your christ
you are its savior and its christ
a holy trinity
eyes of a writer
tongue of a lover
lungs of a woman

cold creeps up your notched spine
with a terrifying speed
cool waves rush
against your
calves in salt
thighs in salt
waist in salt
penetrating fluid fingers engulf
you in the gulf
you are the gulf

feeling flesh on the sole
fearful knowledge of the soul
a sharp sting ____of serrated shell
sole finder
soul finder
fingers penetrate the fluid gulf
sift the slow struck sand

ribbed and regal you surface it
pour the grains and the salt from its porous
glimmer and smooth
poor us who don't find such treasures
hidden pleasures
wear it regally resting over your ribs
pour the grains and the salt from
your chest

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